This past week, we had what I had been anticipating for a long time- a bad day. It was basically all I thought it would be. A lot of the people we needed to teach were not home. It rained. We were hungry. Elder L was the first to say it was not good. Because I had been expecting this, it did not hit me as hard as I thought but I spend a lot of time pondering what could have we done better. Elder L and I talked about it and he told me this. "We are here as representatives of Jesus Christ. This is not our work. It is God's, so if we have a bad day, we do not need to feel sad or depressed." God is directing our lives. It does us little good to spend more than a few minutes being sad. We can still feel sad but we need to keep going in faith that God is going to bring to past all He has intended for us.
We have been teaching a family that received a little bit of persecution and pressure from their religious neighbors about the Church. Some very negative things were said about Mormons and so forth. So, Elder L and I had to work through some of these comments and it was pretty tricky. We have not met with them for several days now. However, we talked to President about this family and he offered to accompany us to a lesson with this family. My eyes lit up when Elder L told me this after getting off the phone with President. There is only a little pressure when you have to teach a lessons with the President of the Mission there. I am a little nervous but I am told he actually does this a lot. The lesson will probably be this coming week, so I will definitely write about it next week. This coming week is actually really exciting. We have district meeting at mission headquarters, and hopefully a baptism.
This week, I'll say a little about my district. Super great. We are doing a lot of great work.
Also Elder L and I had fun with the special effects on my camera (see below).
All and all I am doing really well. I am learning lots more about Brazil. I realized this week that I have not seen a single bath tub while I have been here. Can´t say why. Also, dryers are not a thing. But they have Kinders Eggs, which is something we are deprived in the States. (Google if you don´t know. They are amazing.)
Thanks to all of you for your love and support,
Elder Pinkney
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