Monday, October 16, 2017

Rio Iguacu, Brazil- Week Three

This past P-day, we had a super P-day. We got together with a group of Elders and played board games at the chapel. We had lunch and it was a good time.

We were also inspired this week to BBQ on our back patio, which I had some doubt about starting a fire back there, but my companion was not hesitant, so we did. Everything turn out fine and it was pretty good BBQ.

We did a lot of work this week. It rained a lot, but luckily I had my handy dandy umbrella, which made the rainy nights bearable. My companion got soaked a couple times however. He didn´t always want to come under the umbrella for some reason.

Saturday was my birthday, so we had a little celebration that night. Pizza, Chocolate, and fun. My companion and I had a good time throwing confetti around the house.  It was a lot of fun.

We are working with an investigator named, J who is 14. He is progressing really well and he is scheduled to be baptized on the 28. We have a lot of faith that he will.  We are really excited for him. 

I am excited to say that I almost have a whole month in the field. Portuguese is getting a lot better. I have faith that I will eventually be able to talk to people. I am so grateful for the blessing God is giving me everyday, It is crazy to see the miracles everday. 

All is well,
Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

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