Monday, October 8, 2018

Afonsa Pena- Week One

Hello World,

I have started a new adventure in my mission in my new area. My new companion, Elder Eidem, and I are seeing a lot of amazing miracles in our work. Here in Afonsa Pena, the people are pretty open and receiving of our message. We have several people we are teaching that are really changing in the gospel and it is incredible to see. I love being companions with Elder Eidem. 

This past week, I have been getting use to all the new streets and members and investigators. The biggest highlight of the  week was probably that I am now in the same district with my CTM companion, Elder Leptich, which is fun. Also, Conference was really really great. We watched it here in the chapel. 

I learned a lot about at Conference. I was really excited about the move to two hour church. I really felt a confirmation that this next schedule will help us be more focused in our homes. I felt an incredible Spirit during all of the sessions and I know that these men are truly apostles and prophets of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for all the dedication they give to the special callings and all that we learn from them every Conference session. I have a very strong witness of the gospel and the plan of salvation. I know that we experience trials to learn and make us stronger. Here on my mission, I have seen many people with very heavy loads. It's hard to see someone going through difficulty. Very difficult. However, it all has a purpose. We are here to do the will of Heavenly Father. As Christ always did His will, we also need to be obedient in all things.

Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

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