Hello World,
I do not mean to bring in any form of trunkeza, but this coming Monday is transfers and I will start my third to last transfer. I can not believe how fast the time has gone by and the thought of going home already makes me emotional. I know there is so much that I still need to do before I go home.
This past week, I ran all over the city. On Monday morning, I got up with Elder Cappi at 4:00 in the morning to go wait at the Recieta Federal, which is where we take care of one of the parts of our documentation for the foreigner missionaries. Why did we go so early?!? Because if you don´t get in the line early (a line that already has people at five o'clock in the morning), there is no way to get the documentation done on that day. We had to go in there early and get it done.
On Tuesday and Friday, I was at the Policia Federal from 9:00 to 3:00 during documentation for foreign missionaries (that is including the one hour bus ride each way).
Also this last week, I went on splits with my good friend Elder DuPaix who was in the CTM with me. He is a great missionary and I had a great time with him. See photo below.
Other than that, we have been working a lot in the field in our area and I can see the hand of the Lord during each day. I have been reading "Saints" a ton during this week and I have learned a lot about church history and the faith of the early members of the church. I have not even reach in the part of church history were the saints build the city of Nauvoo. I have already read incredible stories of people with unwavering faith in the Lord, families that left everything they had to unite with the church, and men that left on missions in incredibly difficult circumstances. I have grown a much wider understanding of the timeline of events (as a lot of the stories and events I had already knew). It has strengthen my testimony that this is the true church of our Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ and that He directs this church. There are many lessons that the early church members learned that we need to learn today if we are to perfect the saints and establish God´s kingdom on the earth.
I also, this week, have been following the dedication and events happening of the Rome Italy Temple. What an incredible temple with numerous meaning. I can not help but be moved after seeing the statue of the Savior and each one of His apostles behind Him. What an beautiful sight and testimony of the reality of God´s kingdom on the earth and the organization of His true church. (If you didn´t get to see, I encourage you to take a look https://www.mormonnewsroom.org/article/group-photo-first-presidency-quorum-twelve-apostles-rome).
Also, I want to formally say good-bye to my good friend, Elder Haight , who will be going home this coming Monday. He is my best friend Assistant here in the office. See photos of his funeral as he will be "dying" come Monday.
Anyway, I hope you all have a great week. I miss and love you all lots.
Com amor,
Elder Pinkney
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