Monday, July 1, 2019

Jardim Ipe- Week Four

Hello World,

This week was really busy. We have a lot of people we are teaching and helping, so we are always running from one place to the other. I went on divisions with Elder Ball this week again to do some baptismal interviews. We went to Piraquara (which is a city right next to Curitiba)

Today, we went and had lunch at an investigators home who made BBQ for us. We flew kites with here grandchildren. It was a lot of fun. Flying kites here is a little bit different because they make it like a war here. They try to cut the lines on everyone else kite so that it flies away. It is a little sad actually, but that´s what they do.

Other crazy thing this week is that President Cuvelier went home. Our new President´s name is President Oldham. I have not meet him yet. I had the chance to talk to him on the phone. He seems like a great guy and I am really excited to get the chance to meet. Besides the fact that I am going home in two weeks, I am so glad for this new opportunity the mission will have to get a new insight on teaching technics and inspiration. 

I miss and love you all lots. Have a great week.

Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

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Jardim Ipe- Week Five

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