Saturday, May 25, 2019

Mission Office- Week 32

Freezing Rain, Wind, and Dominos

Hello world!!!

This past week, I felt like I was back in Virginia with the cold temperatures and cold wind. Almost every day this week was cold, rainy, and windy, but those are signals of the coming winter weather here in Curitiba. This past week was pretty normal in terms of routine. We did, however, have a Family Home Evening with a family in our ward. We had invited a less member to come too but he ended up not being able to come since he had just had a fight with his wife. He ended up separating with her on that very night and that became the reason why he could not come to the Family Home Evening. We felt really sad, but made the best of the night. We are planning to get back in contact with him, and we will try a second take on our Family Home Evening. Also, the Family Home Evening provided me the opportunity to try pepperoni and cream cheese pizza from Dominos. (It is as good as it sounds). 

On Wednesday, I went on split with my zone leader Elder Searcy. It went really well. We had a day full of visits and I go to know Elder Searcy a lot better. He is from Utah and was going to BYU Provo before his mission. We chatted a little bit about that. Over all, it was a really great division and we had a good time. I learned a lot from him in the way that he teaches and talks to people. 

Elder Herd and I decided to go on a little adventure today. We went to WAL-MART. Our area is the only area in the whole mission that has a Walmart so we took some extra time to walk over and see what they have different. Sadly, it is basically just any other Brazil market, but it just feels and looks like a Walmart. 

All in all, I had a great week. I am learning a lot and I enjoy being a representative in Christ. I know that this is His work and that we are working to bring His children an eternal happiness. Love and miss you all lots.

Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Mission Office- Week 31

Hello World,

This week was really good. It was a week a lot more slow pace, which was good. We were needing it after all of the crazy work we did last week. Elder Herd and I got to work in the field a lot, and we had some really good experiences. For example last week, we were knocking doors at night (not one of my favorite activities) and a gentlemen answered. He came out to the gate and he said, "Hey, Elder I am a member of the church but it has been a while since I have gone to church." We started talking a little with him and we marked another day to go back and leave a message with him. We went back yesterday and had a great visit with them. The less-active told us his whole conversation story and he starting tearing up as he spoke. The spirit was really strong in the room, and we were able to invited him to come back to church. He paused and thought a little. He shared that he wanted to come back, but that maybe it would take a little time. We agreed to help him, and we are going to have a Family Home Evening with him tomorrow. It was a really great experience that strengthen my testimony. 

The rest of the week was really calm. I had an brief interview with President that was good too. I had not had an interview in a long time.

All in all, I am doing well. Hope you all have a great week. Love and miss you all.

Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Mission Office- Week 30

Hello World,

This week was really good. We worked a lot and we had a lot of trials, but I am seeing the hand of Heavenly Father in the little miracles every day. Elder Herd and I are getting a long really well. He is a really chill guy and we have a lot of things in common. I am grateful that Heavenly Father let me be companions with him and he is helping me be a better missionary. 

This week we also had zone conference with President and Sister. It was really good. We learned a lot about the importance of the Atonement in missionary work and how we can apply that in our lessons. We did a lot of practices and we read a couple scriptures. All in all, it was very upliftings. Also, it was sad to think that this was my second to last zone conference and the next conference will be my last......I promise that I´m not trunky kkkkkkkkk

I want to also this weekend give a shot-out to my wonderful Mother, who through all this time that I have been away from home, is still talking care of me and inspiring me to be a better person. Love you so much Mom and thank you for all you do. Happy Mother´s day. 

Hope you all have a great week and Happy Mother´s day to all.

Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

P.S. Highlights this week. We went to a restaurant that has all you can eat chocolate pizza. That was a good day.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Mission Office- Week 29

Hello World!!!

This past week was really really busy. We had all the crazy running around of transfer and the new missionaries arriving. I got a new companion, Elder Herd!! He will be the new Executive Secretary. He is from Orem, Utah. We are getting a long really well. He got thrown into the action right from the start, but he is picking things up really fast. This past week, we were on the grind of getting everything done. 

Also this week, my good friends Elder Arscott, Eddington, and Cappi went home. I am going to miss them all lots, but I know they are in a better place now.

We had a funny experience yesterday. Elder Herd and I were knocking on doors last night; just doing our thing. We then knock on a door and this older gentlemen answered the door. He looked a little bit like Santa Claus. He came to the gate to talk with us and we started talking about our missionary purpose. We were going, but then he cuts us off and asked where we are from. We said that we were from the United States and answered out of now where. "I hate Americans!" Elder Herd and I just stopped and looked at each other for a moment. The gentlemen went to say how all Americans are prideful and lots of other stuff. Elder Herd and I just listen for a few minutes and then I switch the topic to ask him if he believed in God. He said he did and we went on to have a good conversation for thirty minutes. He shared with us some life experiences that were really touching. All in all, it ended up being a really great, impactful experience. He did not accept a second visit, but I believe that he has a better impression of Americans

All in all, things are going great. I love and miss you all lots. I am so grateful for the experiences that I am having. Hope you all have a great week.

Jardim Ipe- Week Five

One more week... Hello World, This is the start of my last week in the mission. I have a lot of mixed feelings. I have felt really sad...