Saturday, April 27, 2019

Mission Office- Week 28

Hello World!!!

This last week was pretty normal. We had a lot of work to do because this next week is transfers. We had a lot of paper work and logistics to get worked out. I am excited because this coming transfer I will be switching out of the office. I am going to train the next excutive secretary. I don´t know who it is going to be yet, but I am really excited to pass him all the things I have learned here in the office.

Today was Elder Gil´s birthday! He is turning 20 years. Happy birthday to him!!! We have been companions for almost six months, so this is a pretty memorable moment.

This past week I went on divisions (splits) with my zone leader. We had a really good and quick divison. I got to meet some really incredible investigators. We taught one gentleman who has problems with smoking and drinking. However, through meeting with the missionaries, he has already made a huge effort to take these things out of his life and start doing what is right. He was really receptive and we had a really good visit with him. I felt really gratefull for the chance to meet him and hear his testimony of God´s commandments.

All in all, I am doing well. I love my mission and I am gratefull for every day I have to be a part of this amazing work. 

Love and miss you all lots,
Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

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