Saturday, April 27, 2019

Mission Office- Week 28

Hello World!!!

This last week was pretty normal. We had a lot of work to do because this next week is transfers. We had a lot of paper work and logistics to get worked out. I am excited because this coming transfer I will be switching out of the office. I am going to train the next excutive secretary. I don´t know who it is going to be yet, but I am really excited to pass him all the things I have learned here in the office.

Today was Elder Gil´s birthday! He is turning 20 years. Happy birthday to him!!! We have been companions for almost six months, so this is a pretty memorable moment.

This past week I went on divisions (splits) with my zone leader. We had a really good and quick divison. I got to meet some really incredible investigators. We taught one gentleman who has problems with smoking and drinking. However, through meeting with the missionaries, he has already made a huge effort to take these things out of his life and start doing what is right. He was really receptive and we had a really good visit with him. I felt really gratefull for the chance to meet him and hear his testimony of God´s commandments.

All in all, I am doing well. I love my mission and I am gratefull for every day I have to be a part of this amazing work. 

Love and miss you all lots,
Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Mission Office- Week 27

Hello World,

This last week was pretty normal. We had a lot of work in the office to do and we have had to work a lot outside of our normal hours. However, everything is going alright. I am learning a lot how to be patent and loving. I have being particularly grateful this week for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in my live. More than ever before, I feel Him by my side. I know that He never lets us work alone in this world and during our trails. I am very grateful for the moments in my mission where I have felt closer to Him and felt His love. This week, we remember the glorious Easter Sunday; the day that He rose from the dead and walked again. I am so grateful for that day and for all the blessings that come because of Him. I know that He rose again and that He lives. I grateful for what He did for me and for each one of us. 

“God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”—John 3:16  

I invite you all to remember Him during this pascoa and in ever moment. I love and miss you all lots. I hope you all have a great week. 

Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Mission Office- Week 26

Hello world!!

This past week was really busy here in the office. I am getting as much done as I can until the transfer starts to end, so I do not get swamped like I always do at the end of the transfer. 

I am super excited for my brother Kyle. He got his mission call to CANADA MONTREAL MISSION SPEAKING CHINESE!!!! I am so proud of him and his decision to serve the Lord. He leaves on the 17 of July!!!

I loved General Conference!!!! I loved Elder Uchtdorf´s talk about missionary work. He really highlighted the big point about the importance of preaching the gospel to every creature, nation, tongue, and people. I can not express my strong testimony of the importance of missionary work. There is no other work on this earth that has the same importance to save the soul of every man. I am so grateful for apostles and prophets today that guide and direct us. All in all, it was a really good conference. 

I went to the Policia Federal on Wednesday to renew some visas with three missionaries. I got to talk with Elder Martinez who is from Australia. It was really cool. He made me want to live in Australia for a moment lol.... It is really pretty there. 

As many of you know, I am not a big fan of dogs. My companions are feel aware of this too, so last week when we were at lunch with a member, the member´s dog came up of the coach and started licking my ears. I made a sour face, but I let the dog stay. My companions thought it was funny so they took a picture (see below). I will admitted that it was not as annoying as I thought it would be. 

The rest of the week was pretty normal. Everything is running pretty smooth in the office and with our investigators. We are going into the fifth week of the transfer now. The time is flying by, but I am so grateful to be on the mission and for every day I have her to learn and grow. 

I love and miss you all lots,
Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Mission Office- Week 25

Hello World,

Sorry for the short message this past week, but I was rushed to do my email. 

This past week was really good. I have a really good story to share. Last Sunday, a family from a different state moved into our ward and they are not members of the church. They are new here in Curitiba and they are living here all alone. They do not know anything about Curitiba and they don´t know anybody that lives here. Anyway, they came to church and they loved it. They have a daughter who is 9 years old. On that same Sunday, we went to their house and taught them the first lesson. It was a super great lesson and they accept to be baptized. Also, the made a traditional Brazil drink that I had never tried before. It is called Mate Doce, which for those of you that know it is like chimarrĂ£o but sweet. It was really good. oh my gosh!

It is shredded coconut that you put warm milk and drink out of the straw. It was super good. Anyway, we have taught them three times now. They made dinner for us one night and they are progressing a lot. They have a little difficulty reading and learning, but they are working hard to understand. They are going to come to General Conference tomorrow here in the chapel and we are really excited. I am grateful to Heavenly Father for one more family that we were able to find and I know that Heavenly Father will bless their lives.

The rest of the week in the office was pretty normal. We went to the bank, to the water company, and to the energy company. It was a lot of work. On Tuesday, we went to a house of the Sisters to fix their shower head, oven, and curtains for the window, which was not fun at all but someone has to do it lol.

I am really excited for general conference (on the down side, it will be my last conference in the mission. Whoa!). I am grateful for another opportunity to hear the word of our prophet and apostles. I am excited to see the continuation of the restoration of Christ´s church. I am grateful for everything I am learning here in Brazil and the experience I am having serving the Lord. Grateful for this church and for this gospel. 

I hope you all have a good week.

Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

Jardim Ipe- Week Five

One more week... Hello World, This is the start of my last week in the mission. I have a lot of mixed feelings. I have felt really sad...