Saturday, December 8, 2018

Mission Office- Week Eight

Seja a Luz do Mundo

Hello world!

This past week, the mission was in full force with the Light the World program that the church is doing again this year for Christmas. The mission received a lot of materials to use during the month of December. I have been running around getting everything together so that the companionships can start using the materials right away. It is hard to believe that it is already the 8th. Christmas will be over before we know it. We decorated the office also. We put up our Christmas tree and there are tons of presents already arriving for the missionaries (packages in the mail that is). 

This past week, we had the "after five weeks in the field" meeting with the new missionaries. I had to run to the Policia Federal with several missionaries to do the documentation. I was super grateful that everything went well. 

We are visiting still our recent convert from Venezuela, Mireya. She is doing super well. She is going to have more family from Venezuela come live with her in Brazil. We are excited to get to meet her family. She has really let the gospel change her life. In the Venezuela, she was a school teacher. When she was younger, she drank and smoked. She was less relaxed in life. However, now, she has completely embraced the gospel and I can tell that she seems happier in her life. I know that the gospel makes me happy. It does not mean that I am happy all the time, but over time, I can see how I am more happy. 

Thank you all for the love and support. Miss you all lots. 
Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

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