Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Mission Office - Week Five

One more day, one day more...

This past week was a lot more normal that my last week. There was a national holiday that let everyone had a four day weekend. A lot of people went to the beach, went on picnics, and a lot of stores were closed. We had lunch with the Stake President and he made us a really good BBQ. His son is serving in Japan, so I think it tried to spoil us a little. 

I had some things to take care of in the center of Curitiba. It was the first time I really saw the down town of the city. Curitiba is a lot bigger than I had ever seen. Our mission does not have a lot of areas in the center of the city, so there are a lot of missionaries that stay here two years and never go down town. My companions and I are going to ask president if maybe we can get a city tour bus one P-Day for us to see all the site. 

I am doing great. I am learning a lot. I have been working hard to try to finish the book, Jesus the Christ. I started it at the beginning of my mission and it is taking me a while to finish. It is the only book in the missionary library that I have not read yet. It is a really amazing book and I seeing my knowledge grow by reading. I am seeing my testimony grow also. I feel the Spirit with me when I am reading. I am grateful for this.

I hope you all have a great week. Love and miss you all lots.

Elder Pinkney

P.S. Sorry, I do not have any photos this week. I will try harder this week to take more photos.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Mission Office- Week Four

Hello World, 

This past week was super, super crazy. So much happened that I think I will just make a short list. 

  • Monday-- We had transfers, which was super, super crazy. I stayed the office all day dealing with transportation and other problems with Elders being transferred.  Elder da Silva, who is friend of mine, went to the CTM. He was on a temporary two transfer missionary that stayed here for three months, received his mission call, and is now going to the CTM. He will be back in three weeks. I stayed in the office with President until 1:00 in the morning preparing everything for a group of missionaries going home. Sister Cuvelier drove me back to the apartment afterwards. 
  • Tuesday -- I woke up to a phone call about two missionaries that missed their flights and needed immediate rebooking. I ran to the office, half-dressed, on the phone with the flight agency. The two missionaries were luckily able to catch the next flight and got home safely. I got to eat lunch with the new group of missionaries that came in that morning. I spent the whole day briefing them on documents, health cards, etc. There are some really great Elders that just arrived in the mission, which was cool.
  • Wednesday -- I think was the most normal day of the whole week.
  • Thursday -- I spent 6 hours going to the Policia Federal and dealing with the Visa for a missionary from Colombia.
  • Friday -- I went back to the Policia Federal again and tried to keep on top of the other work that I need to get back.  
Anyway, all in all, the week was super good. We are still focusing on our recent convert from last week. My Spanish is getting better too. I am reading the new book "Saints" online too. It is really awesome book. I am learning a lot of details about church history. I recommend for all.

Also sorry the only photos I have this week are of us eating. I swear I am doing lot more than just eat. 

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Mission Office- Week Three

More adventures with Spanish

Hello World!

This week was incredibly crazy. We had so much happen in these past few days. 

Monday, I took a group of missionaries to the Policial Federal, which is where we resolve all the renewing of the visas. It was a group of 10 Elders on a bus for one and a half hours. For how crazy that sounds, everything actually went perfectly  I was also able to get some Subway with Elder Ball and Elder Grover.

Then, Elder Quresma finished his mission this week and went home on Wednesday. He was in the office to get all his bags together and to talk to President. He had this really funny stuffed monkey that when you threw it started making monkey sounds. 

I, also, did not let Halloween go by without celebrating a little. It took me two hours, but I decorated a Haunted Houses that Mrs. Kaynor sent me (shout out to this amazing lady). Can I just say that everyone here in the office thought that I was very talented for having put together that Haunted House. I put it out for everyone to see and put some small candy for people to take. It was awesome. I am going to leave it out until at least 

Last of all, we ended off the week today with the baptism of Mirella (the lady from Venezuela). I have been basically teaching her in Spanish for the past three weeks. In a effort to make her baptism really special, we decided that we should hold the whole program in Spanish. The talks were in Spanish, we printed off the music to sing the hymns in Spanish, and Elder Arscott did the baptism in Spanish. It was really really cool, because I couldn't say that I have ever been to a baptism in Spanish like that before. Even in the other language, I felt the Spirit presence and a deep love for the Savior and this amazing family. Definitely, a memory that I will not forget. 

Love and miss you all lots, 
Elder Pinkney

Jardim Ipe- Week Five

One more week... Hello World, This is the start of my last week in the mission. I have a lot of mixed feelings. I have felt really sad...