Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Mission Office- Week Two

Hello World,

I had a really busy, running week in the office. When I came to the office on my first day, President said I would have to hit the ground running. I understand a lot better what he meant by that. There is so much to do in the office. It really feels like a full time job with the level of responsibility and the amount of time I spend here. However, I love it. I feel like I am really growing as a person, learning more about how the real world works, and how to use more Christ-like attribute (especially patience). I really feel like that it is something that Heavenly Father had been preparing for me. I look at what are my strong points and it is a lot of things that I do as a secretary (organizing, remembering lots of things,  working on computers). I am grateful that Heavenly Father and President are giving me this chance to serve.

This past week on Friday, we had the Second Counselor in the General Presidency of the Primary, Sister Franco come and speak to the two missions in Curitiba. It was a really special event. She is from Argentina and she spoke with us in Spanish, which was good to help me with my Spanish. Her husband also spoke. He was a mission President also in Argentina. We had a very special conference with them and I learned a lot about how the Spirit leads us in our missionary work. I learned that we all have to work really hard to always be in the zone of personal revelation. Revelation is the foundation of our personal relationship with Heavenly Father. Revelation will help us know where we need to be, with who we need to talk, and what should we say to touch the hearts of our investigators. I know that Heavenly Father will always lead us to the people who are ready to hear the gospel. 

Also, we are still teaching our family from Venezuela. The grandmother now is really close to baptism and we are super excited for her. My Spanish is also getting a lot better.

You and miss you all lots,
Elder Pinkney

Lots of photos this week...

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Mission Office-Week One

Hello World!!!

This past week, I arrived at the mission office. My new companion is Elder Arscott from Utah. He is the old Executive Secretary and he will be training me on how everything goes here for the next three weeks. I will just say that now that I am in the office, I am seeing a whole 360 view of the mission. It is really different than what I am use to seeing. However, I am loving it. The other two secretaries that we work with are Elder Cappi (from São Paulo) and Elder Lira (from Pará and he was also my first companion in the field). I am excited to get to be with him again. 

Here is what I am responsible for doing... I am in charge of buying all the materials that we need in the mission, buying airplane flights for everyone, renovation of visas for all the missionaries from other countries, etc. It is a lot of work, but I am loving it a lot. 

The highlights of the week:
  • Zone conference for all the zones in the mission. I got to see all my old companions and all my friends in the mission. 
  • We made BBQ at our apartment one night that was super good.
  • We went to the temple on Saturday, which was really good because it has been a while since my last time.
  • I taught the Restoration in Spanish. We are teaching a family in this ward that are from Venezuela. They have been in Brazil for one month. The speak very very little Portuguese. Elder Arscott speaks a good amount of Spanish. After our first lesson there, I was completely lost, but the Arscott taught me the pronouns and some other stuff. The next day we went back, I was able to testify and respond their questions all in Spanish. I know that the gift of tongues is real. I feel comfortable saying that I speak Spanish now. It was a really cool experiences. I know that Heavenly Father uses our talents to do His will.
Thank you all for writing. Love and miss you all lots.

Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

P.S. My P-day is now Saturday because I am in the office. I will only be able to write on this day.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Afonso Pena- Week Two and Final Week

Hello World,

Thank you so much everyone for the special birthday wishes. I am truly grateful. 

This past week, Elder Eidem and I have been working a lot and really seeing the miracles of the Lord in our work. We started teaching a lady on Tuesday that I meet in my old area that actually lives in the area I am in now. We taught her and I will say that she is super prepared by Heavenly Father for our message. She has gone through a lot of things in her life and is really just ready for the gospel in every way. We are going to baptize her this coming Saturday and I am simple grateful for having meet this amazing lady. 

Elder Eidem and I have been teaching an English Class in these past two weeks. I am super impressed that in this ward there are a lot of people that speak really good English. Elder Eidem and I have been fighting with the temptation to not speak English will little success.... However, at this point our conversations in English are not getting in the way of our teaching, so that is good. He and I have become really solid friends in these two weeks, which has really made fun.

Sunday, it rained a ton. At church, Elder Eidem and I ended up giving the class on Principles of the Gospel (something that I had not had to do for a couple months). We had really like the talks and classes on Sunday. I have found that in the mission going to church is just really great. It is so good to just stop and reevaluate how I am doing and feel the spirit. (It is also good to get to sit for three hours and not have to walk). 

Love and miss you all lots, 
Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

P.S. I was surprised when after church on Sunday a family that I know from my old area came and brought me cake, ice cream, and presents for my birthday. It was super special and grateful for that. 

Monday, October 8, 2018

Afonsa Pena- Week One

Hello World,

I have started a new adventure in my mission in my new area. My new companion, Elder Eidem, and I are seeing a lot of amazing miracles in our work. Here in Afonsa Pena, the people are pretty open and receiving of our message. We have several people we are teaching that are really changing in the gospel and it is incredible to see. I love being companions with Elder Eidem. 

This past week, I have been getting use to all the new streets and members and investigators. The biggest highlight of the  week was probably that I am now in the same district with my CTM companion, Elder Leptich, which is fun. Also, Conference was really really great. We watched it here in the chapel. 

I learned a lot about at Conference. I was really excited about the move to two hour church. I really felt a confirmation that this next schedule will help us be more focused in our homes. I felt an incredible Spirit during all of the sessions and I know that these men are truly apostles and prophets of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for all the dedication they give to the special callings and all that we learn from them every Conference session. I have a very strong witness of the gospel and the plan of salvation. I know that we experience trials to learn and make us stronger. Here on my mission, I have seen many people with very heavy loads. It's hard to see someone going through difficulty. Very difficult. However, it all has a purpose. We are here to do the will of Heavenly Father. As Christ always did His will, we also need to be obedient in all things.

Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

Monday, October 1, 2018

Transfer Day to Afonsa Pena

Hello World!

Big News: I was transferred ! However, this transfer is going to be really different. I am going to my new area Afonsa Pena in São Jose dos Pinhais. My new companion is Elder Eidem from Utah!!! Yes, my companion is American. (It is really cool because normal Americans don´t stay together as companions). However, I will only stay with Elder Eidem for two weeks, because I am going to switch in to be the new Executive Secretary of the mission. I will be companions with Elder Arscott (who is the current executive secretary of the mission). Then, after he shows me the ropes, I will be in trio with the other two secretaries, Elder Cappi and Elder Lira. ( Elder Lira who was my first companion and I will be companions with him again). I am super excited but also a little nervous for the responsibility. However, I know that Heavenly Father will be there to help me every step of the way. 

Back to our regularly scheduled program. This past was really incredible. It rained a ton. 

  • On Friday night, we made Fruit Cocktails (without the alcohol). It was a lot of fun. We took a pineapple, cut it open, and threw in some other fruits with Sprite and drank with a straw. 
  • I went on splits with Elder Gordon again. We did a lot of really good work and it was fun to get to know him better. One of the family of recent converts that we have in our ward threw a mini going-away party for me because of transfers. 
  • On Saturday, we had two baptisms of a couple. Jurismar and Ana Lucia are from the north of Brazil and have been in Curitiba for eight years. We started teaching them when we knocked on their door and they let us in. They have two sons and one daughter all below the age of eight. There is a lot of energy in that house. Jurismar and Ana Lucia said that the feel the Spirit when we teach and when they go to church. The firmly received an answer that the church is true when the read and prayed. They also said that the learned a lot with everyone message that we taught. It was truly an incredible moment in their lives. I will miss them greatly.
  • We ate two huge pizzas on Saturday night after the baptism. 
  • We went to church on Sunday.
  • We visited another church with one of our investigators. They were putting on a theater piece at the church about families. He invited us and promised that will also come to our church next week. The theater piece was very impressive. 
All in all, it was a really amazing week. I am super sad that I will be leaving Bom Pastor and Elder Salgado, but I know that it all is a part of the Lord´s plan. 
Love and miss you all lots, 
Elder Pinkney

(Side note from Elder Pinkney's mom...I asked Elder Pinkney to share his thoughts on why he is a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for  #whythebadge.)


One year ago, I left for Brazil to make a difference in the lives of others through the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. This gospel and the church have made the biggest difference in my life, who I am as person, and who I am as a son of our Heavenly Father. There is nothing that brings me more joy and feeling of self worth than the truths we learn in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In this past year, I have seen how the gospel makes the difference in real life problems we have today. I have seen broken families come together. I have seen confusion turn to certainty. I have seen doubt become faith. I have seen sadness turn to joy and darkness turned to light. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and that means something, a lot more than just going to church on Sunday or reading the Bible. It means we have to live what He taught and follow the pathway He left for us. I am a missionary because I can not deny the things that Heavenly Father has done in the lives of many, in the life of my family, and in my life.  "Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen." D&C 4:7 

Jardim Ipe- Week Five

One more week... Hello World, This is the start of my last week in the mission. I have a lot of mixed feelings. I have felt really sad...