Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Bom Pastor: Week Eight

Hello World,

This past week was a pretty standard missionary week. Good thing that being a missionary is awesome, so a standard week means a lot. 

On Monday night, we had a Family Home Evening with a family and friends that was super awesome. I gave the message about the Plan of Salvation and shared one of my camping experiences when we got lost in the woods without a map. I compared how the Plan of Salvation is like a map for our lives to find the way back to Heavenly Father. It went pretty well. 

On Thursday, I went on splits with my old friend, Elder B. Silva. For all of you to just know, I lived with B. Silva in my first area when I was not Portugusing really well. We talked about old times and I learned a lot from him, which was cool. 

We had BBQ for one of our lunches that was super good.

On Sunday, we had Stake Conference that was super super good. The was a Seventy that spoke about an experience that he had that I liked a lot. He told about a story about when he first got called to be Bishop in his ward, he felt a little prideful and that the he was called to be bishop because he was better than everyone else. At this same time, he received news that he needed to travel for work to Sâo Paulo were there is a temple. He arranged with his work for a little time that he could go work at the temple. Normally, the trip takes three days and was very expensive, so it was an amazing opportunity. When he arrived at the temple, he got there early to have some time to ponder and pray. He was there so early that the temple workers had not even arrived yet. As he was praying, a sister came up to him to ask for help with something. He accepted and the walked to the bottom floor of the temple were the have the kitchen. The Seventy was surprised to find a table full of potatoes. The Sister said, the temple workers have not arrived yet and we need someone to peel these potatoes for the lunch of the temple worked. The Seventy sat down and started peeling. One hour past and he realized that at the rate he was peeling he would miss his session. He started to be in panic and the number of potatoes. In this moment a voice came to him, "you may be Bishop but in my house, you peel potatoes." He was incredibly touch and recognized his mistake immediately.  What an amazing lesson of how we can never really think too much of ourselves. We always need to search to be humble in our words, thoughts, and actions. 

Love and miss you all lots. Have a great week.

Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

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