Sunday, July 15, 2018

Jardim do Sol- Week 16 Transfer to Bom Pastor

I got transferred!!!!!! I left Jardim do Sol (Garden of the Sun) and moved to Bom Pastor (Good Shepherd). I am super excited to be in a new part of the city that I have never been. My new companion is Elder G from São Paulo. He has six months in the mission, so he is still on the up hill. It seems like President recently is justing putting me with companions from São Paulo, and for those of you that know people from Sâo Paulo understand better. This is my fourth in a row. However, I am really excited to get going at a new chapter in my mission. I am really excited because Elder L  (my companion from the MTC) and Elder J from my district in the CTM are here in the same zone with me. I will get to see them here more often. Elder L  is the zone leader and, I being the district leader, we will get to do some division together. That will be super fun.  

This past Sunday (when I was still in Jardim do Sol), Elder B , Elder G , Elder Z  and I preformed a special musical number in Sacrament Meeting. I played the piano and the others sang. It went pretty well for being a little bit on the spot. 

I don´t have a lot more to write. This week was pretty normal. One thing interesting is we taught a history teacher. It was a pretty different type of lesson because he had a very different points of view. He put everything we said in historical context and he asked a lot of question. He had some pretty cool books. He had a Jewish Bible and a collection of all the books taken out of the Bible (Apocrifios). It was cool to see that. 

My thingy for photos is not working, so I will try to send them next week. Thank you all for your support. Love and miss you all.

Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

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