This week, I had to pull out the big jacket, sweater, and use two pairs of socks because it was cold. Winter has not even official begun yet. Last night, Elder G and I were out making our visits. It was cold, raining, and there was a lot of wind. I just had to laugh to myself a little and remind myself, Holy Crap. Being cold and wet is a lot cooler in Brazil as a missionary than as it was during High Adventure as a Boy Scout.
This week, we worked a lot. We had a lot of success. There are really a lot of people who need to hear. There are a lot of people who are going to reject you again, and again. It is almost like a treasure hunt if you think about it. There you go! There is my quote of the week.
"Missionary work is a treasure hunt." --Elder Pinkney
All jokes aside, it is really true. We have really been searching for the right person who is waiting to receive what we have. I have been praying that our investigators can progress and that we can find someone who is really waiting. I know that we are just around the corner from finding someone.
Elder G is a really fun guy. He is definitely helping me relax a little and see the good in everything. This past week, we had another ward activity that did not go so well because of the cold. We did a two team competition with events. It ended up being okay. I also taught my English class that had more people this week.
On Saturday, Elder B and Elder Z (the other companionship I am living with) had a baptism of a couple (J and A). We also had a baptism the ward of L (the daughter of a less active in the ward that I teach). We had the two baptisms together. I had the honor to baptize L and J. I have grown a really big love for these two families. Their baptisms were a really really special moment.
This coming week, we are going to zone conference again. It feels like we just had conference because Elder Holland came, but I am excited. I am also super excited for the World Cup. GO BRAZIL!
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