Monday, June 25, 2018

Jardim do Sol- Week 14

This week went by really really fast. 

On Tuesday, we had a division with Elder L  and Elder P. I travelled to the other area and worked with Elder  L. Elder L is from Madrid! Super cool. We had a really cool division. I learned a lot. I thought about trying to learn some Spanish, but I did not get around to it. 

This week, we started teaching a new couple: S  and L . They are from São Paulo and we meet them in the street and they invited us to pass by their house. They are really laid back and liked to talk a lot.  She is 17 and he is 22 and they have a two year-old daughter. They both are really prepared for the gospel. They come from humble backgrounds, so they have not always been doing the right things. They understand that they need to start following Jesus Christ and change some things in their lives. We explained a little bit about baptism and how through baptism we can start a new life and be forgiven of all our past sins. After, L commented, "Then, I want to get baptized." We are super excited and we are going to start working with this family. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father lead us to this family. 

Elder G  gives a hug to everyone.

President did not allow us to watch any of the games of the World Cup, so this past Friday (the game with Brazil) was just a normal day for us. However, we were at home doing our studies when we started hearing yelling from the neighbor around back. They were really getting into the game, so we did not get to watch but it felt like we were there. Brazil also won!!!!!!!! During this time of the World Cup, there is a lot of excitement here in Brazil. Brazil is during pretty well and I am really excited to see if they will go to the finals. It is a really different culture of soccer than we have there. The World Cup is like the Super Bowl of the world. Everyone is talking and watching about the World Cup. Everyone put out Brazilians Flags and put up little car covers. It is super fun. Everyone we talk to in the street, we ask about the games and the scores. It is really fun and a good way to strike up a conversation with people.

One more thing. This past week, we were walking done the street and passed by this couch. I looked at it, stopped, turned to my companion, and said, "Let's take this couch for our house". He said, "Where are we going to put it?" (Our house is really small and really does not have room for a couch). I was like, let´s just take it, so we took it. It had a hole in the cushion, but I was able to sew it up and now it is like new. 

All in all, it was a super great week. Love and miss you all lots.
Com amor, 
Elder Pinkney

Monday, June 18, 2018

Jardim do Sol-Week 13

Notice: Please forgive any or all of the English mistakes. I don´t speak English very well any more.This past week was cold for caraca!!!! I have never felt so exposed to the cold on a 24 hour bases. But, I am thankful for the Sisters in the ward that have been gathering together extra blankets for us to escape the cold.
This past week has been very eventful.

When I was at the temple, I ran into one of Andrew Dougherty´s companions. (Andrew is one of buddy´s from my Ward in Virginia that served in Fortaleza.) On Saturday, we took a couple that we are teaching to the temple. I was in divisions with the Zone Leader, Elder Bryon, (we have been living together for the past two transfers). We were in the bathroom in the visitor center. This guy say hi to us and we started chatting and he asked where we were from and then we made the connection. He showed me a picture of Andrew on his phone and I was like yep that´s him. We stopped right there and took a photo in the bathroom. (Hint, you can see Elder Bryon taking the photo in the mirror.) It was super cool small world moment.I had a really busy week. Here are some exciting things that happen this week.-I had division with Elder Sodré.  He is going home in three weeks, so I got to see a missionary with a lot of experience and work with him.-Going to the temple with Junior and Crisitan. -Going to do some baptism interviews in a neighboring ward. Three people got baptized!!! That night was really cold.
  I had a really busy week. These are some things that made me happy. 

This past week, I started looking on the positive. There are a lot of really positive things happening in my mission that I love. Now that it has been ten months. I just want to keep concentrating on the positive and helping people. Elder Bryon shared a thought with me this week. Satan can not read our thoughts. He does not have that power, but he can see when we are not happy, when we are crying, and we are not loving. That is when he attacks us with more temptations and problems. So, when we act and look like we are happy, slowly we start thinking and being happy. That is how we can beat the sadness or negativity within us. We also rely on our Savior Jesus Christ, who fills our hearts with love, understanding, and strength to keep going. I am loving the mission not because I do everything perfectly, but because I am focusing on the positive, focusing on being happy, and focusing on the loving people. Thank you all for your love and support. Promise to write more next amor,Elder Pinkney​

Monday, June 11, 2018

Jardim do Sol- Week 12

This week has been incredibly cold, but the really tough part is knowing that no matter how cold it will be, there will not be any snow. 

We had our Zone Conference this week. Zone Jardim do Sol. We received a lot of great instruction. I learned a lot and felt better to go out and give it my all again. Also, our mission this week received 4 new Elders from the missions in Nicaragua because of the civil war that started there. We got to hear about some of the really scary things that were happening while the missionaries were still there. We are grateful that they are safely with us now. President Cuvelier shared a little bit of the devotional President Nelson gave last week. We watch a little and can I just say, "wow". President Nelson shared some very powerful doctrine that shows the missionary work is for really all of us. Super spiritual. I am grateful to be a part of that work. 

We also had a special conference on Friday with President. We received a lot of training and I got to see my old companions, Elder J and Elder S together, which was really cool. 

All and all, it was a really chill week. I love being a missionary. It is hard work, but really fulfilling. 

Here is a photo of myself and Elder G. We were matching so we took a photo. 

I am doing really well. I have been working a lot. It feels like there is barely enough time to do everything we have to do in one day. I feels like I am always rushing to get everything done. 

Com amor, 
Elder Pinkney

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Jardim do Sol- Week 11

This week, I had to pull out the big jacket, sweater, and use two pairs of socks because it was cold. Winter has not even official begun yet. Last night, Elder G  and I were out making our visits. It was cold, raining, and there was a lot of wind. I just had to laugh to myself a little and remind myself, Holy Crap. Being cold and wet is a lot cooler in Brazil as a missionary than as it was during High Adventure as a Boy Scout. 

This week, we worked a lot. We had a lot of success. There are really a lot of people who need to hear. There are a lot of people who are going to reject you again, and again. It is almost like a treasure hunt if you think about it. There you go! There is my quote of the week.

"Missionary work is a treasure hunt." --Elder Pinkney

All jokes aside, it is really true. We have really been searching for the right person who is waiting to receive what we have. I have been praying that our investigators can progress and that we can find someone who is really waiting. I know that we are just around the corner from finding someone. 

Elder G is a really fun guy. He is definitely helping me relax a little and see the good in everything. This past week, we had another ward activity that did not go so well because of the cold. We did a two team competition with events. It ended up being okay. I also taught my English class that had more people this week. 

On Saturday, Elder B and Elder Z  (the other companionship I am living with) had a baptism of a couple (J and A). We also had a baptism the ward of L (the daughter of a less active in the ward that I teach). We had the two baptisms together. I had the honor to baptize L and J. I have grown a really big love for these two families. Their baptisms were a really really special moment.

This coming week, we are going to zone conference again. It feels like we just had conference because Elder Holland came, but I am excited. I am also super excited for the World Cup. GO BRAZIL!

Jardim Ipe- Week Five

One more week... Hello World, This is the start of my last week in the mission. I have a lot of mixed feelings. I have felt really sad...