Monday, May 28, 2018

Jardim do Sol- Week 10

This past week was simple amazing. 

We had transfers this today. Elder S get transferred and I am going to be staying here in Jardim do Sol with Elder G  from São Paulo. Elder G  has three more months in the mission, so there will be lots I can learn from him. 

This past Thursday, I got to teach an English class again. We had a super cool family that we found show up at the chapel to take this English class. I had told them to be at the chapel at 7:30 for the class. Right before this, we were cutting the hair of another investigator and it ran long so we had to run like crazy to the chapel to start teaching this class and it was super cold. We ended up being pretty late, but the investigators liked the class a lot and they are super excited. 

On Saturday, we had the pleasure to receive Elder Holland in our mission. We had a special mission conference with the other mission in Curitiba, as well. Can I just say, Whoah?! It was a amazing privilege to get to hear from Elder Holland in person. He is incredible. Some of the highlights were when I got to shake his hand, when he strange one of the Sisters in the front row, and when he told us that we are apostles too! I learned a lot from him and I felt truly inspired. You could feel the Spirit really strongly in the room. One of my favorite things he said was this poem of two men talking.

Come to the edge he said,
No I said, I´ll fall,
Come to the edge, he said,
No, I said, I´ll fall,
Come to the edge! He said,
So, I went, and he pushed me,
and I flew.

Elder Holland compared this to us and Heavenly Father. A lot of time we as humans stay in our comfort zone. Heavenly Father invites us to follow him, step outside of the comfort zone, and when we do he pushes us and helps us fly. It was a truly special and powerful story. I know that Heavenly Father has help me to step outside of my comfort zone. There have been so many new things that I have gotten to do. He has been with me at every step of the way. I am grateful to be on a mission and to have this time to do the work of the Savior. 

Love and miss you all lots. 
Elder Pinkney

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Jardim do Sol- Week 9

Hello Everyone, 

This week was really chill and relax. We are getting a little bit into that routine, but I am doing well.  I asked my mom to post the answers to some questions she asked me for this week's blog... 
1. What was the highlight of this week?

The highlight of my week was that we did a special mutual activity with the young men. We took all the young men out on splits to talk to people in the street. It was a big success. We ended up meeting a lady and we helped here move. Some of the young men were just walking down the street and they saw this lady moving things around outside her house. The stopped and went up to invite her to come to church. The lady said that she would if they helped her in her move. The young men ran back and got all of us together to go help. We all want and after about 20 minutes we had basically completed the move. It was a super cool experience to see the young men using their Priesthood to help random people in the community. The only sad thing was that the lady did not show up for church on Sunday.

2. What is one struggle you are having?
I am struggling on not beating myself up for my weakness. I have an image in my head of the perfect missionary that I want to be and in many ways I feel like I am way below of where I should be in my spiritual progression.

3. Did you learn anything new this week?
I learn this week a little bit of how to plan better. I think I figured the magical formula for how to spend the day being productive in the best way possible.

4. What is the funniest thing that happened to you this week?
My companion, Elder S, is a really funny guy. Almost everyday is something new and funny with him. The funniest thing that maybe happened this week was that Elder S cuts hair, like professional. He offered to cut the hair of one of our investigators. So went over to his house and Elder S  cut his hair. He ended doing this crazy design in his hair and I just sat there and watched this happen. I had my doubts. I will send some photos. 

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Jardin do Sol- Week 8

Hello everyone,


This past week was very very eventful. We had a lot of things going on. I basically just tried to keep up this week.

On Thursday, we had our weekly ward activity. This week was our responsibility to plan the activity, so we planned a big competition of "Minute to Win it Games". We did a bottle thing, rely race, and opening a bar of chocolate with a knife in the mouth. It went really well and everyone was super excited and involved. 

On Friday, we had splits with the assistants. I got to spend the day with Elder E from California. We had a good time working together, but I will be honest that at the end of the day I was missing my companion Elder S . 

On Saturday, we had the baptism of Y  (the young women that we had been teaching). We had a super big baptism for her. Almost the whole ward showed up to support her and the had a huge reception. Y ´s family came too to watch and it was a very spiritual event. I was super happy.

On Sunday of Mother´s Day, we had church with the special Primary musical number. They sang a song I had never heard before in the US, but it has two parts. One part for the kids and another for the Moms to sing in response. It was asked to play the piano. It ended up going really well. For lunch, we had a super big BBQ at a non-member´s house. We were surprised that when we arrived, she had a band at her house with a small group of friend all smoking and drinking. We thought this situation was going to go badly, but it didn't. We ate and talked with everyone and we got a couple references. Go team!!

It was a super great week and it was super cool to Skype the family. It helped kill a little bit of missing home. Oh and included below is a special photo for my most amazing Mother. I love you lots, Mom and miss you.

Happy Mother´s Day! 

 Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

Jardim Ipe- Week Five

One more week... Hello World, This is the start of my last week in the mission. I have a lot of mixed feelings. I have felt really sad...