Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Jardim do Sol- Week Two

This week, I have decided to freshen up on my French, but I will write more about that later.
This past week has been very cold and wet here in Jardim do Sol. It has made our work I little bit more complicated and faith-testing. If there are really people waiting to here the Gospel, not even the rain will keep us in our house (But remember to bring an umbrella... yeah you, Elder Pinkney). Sadly, I did forgot the umbrella and I took a very cold shower in the rain.
On Wednesday, we had our Easter Zone Conference. We left early in the morning arrived all seated to start the conference. We sang the opening hymn, said a prayer, and then Sister Cuvelier got up and surprised us all when she said that she hid chocolate on the first floor of the chapel we were in. It was up to us to find. There was a mad rush of Elders searching for chocolate all around the chapel. I lucked out and was about to secure my fair share of chocolate. It was a good reminder of childhood Easter memories of the past. 

The rest of the conference was incredible. We received several trainings but the flag ship of them all was a three hour, day-by-day study of the last week of the life of the Savior, Jesus Christ, given by President Cuvelier. Following the theme of Easter, we, as a zone, went day-by-day, event-by-event, studied the week before the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.  It was incredible and I can honestly say that I learned a lot. (I have been continued this study for the past couple days following the conference). There was an incredible Spirit that was with us during that training. President Cuvelier also borne a powerful testimony of Christ at the of his training that touch the heart of every missionary in the room.
I had the chance on Thursday had a chance to go on splits with the zone leaders. Elder A and Elder P. It was a lot of fun.
On Sunday, the young women performed a special music number during sacrament meeting that they asked me to play the piano. It went pretty well. It was a song called, "Jesus is the Lord of Miracle." All in all, it went pretty well. 

Glad to say that I survived another week. Shout out to my sister how turned 15. Yes,...15!!!! 

Love you all and miss you all, com amor,
Elder Pinkney

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