Monday, February 26, 2018

Osvaldo Cruz- Week Ten

Hello World,

This past week was a solid week. We had lots of success with finding, teaching, and inviting all to come unto Christ. I sadly do not have much to report other than this. The weather has been what I imagine as Virginia Beach weather: a little warm but with a breeze that makes you fell like you are standing on the beach.  

However, we did have chance this past week to help a family in the ward that was doing some painting in their house. It was a good break to do some simple service. We were told that the color ended up being really good so we were happy for that. 

My companion, Elder J, made me a traditional Guatemalan style breakfast, which consisted of eggs, ham, and deep fried field bananas. It was super good. The best part was actually the deep fried field banana. I love it so much that I bought some and deep fried some more. This week I am going to try to make Breakfast burritos American style.  

Saturday night we did a Family Home Evening with one of our investigators named M . M is super awesome and has been progressing for a while now. He is super kind and has a big heart. We taught him about our Jesus Christ and the gospel that he taught for each of us to follow and receive blessing in our lives. The lesson went super well and you could tell that M felt the spirit. 

The Stake I am in now had a Missionary fireside yesterday. It was pretty similar to the ones we had back home where recent converts tell about their experiences accepting the gospel and joining the church. My companion and I were also invite to share our testimonies about Missionary work. I was pretty nervous, but I like a shared a pretty good testimony. In the end, I was glad for the chance to bear my testimony. Looking forward to this coming fast Sunday to share my testimony again. All the missionaries in the mission were challenged by President to share our testimonies this Fast Sunday. Can´t wait for this next opportunity. I know that a testimony is something that we should share with everyone. 

Thank you all for your love and support. Again, sorry that there are not a ton of photos. 
Elder Pinkney

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