Monday, February 5, 2018

Osvaldo Cruz-Week Seven

Note from Elder Pinkney's Mom:

We haven't received any blog updates from Elder Pinkney for Week Five and Week Six.  We heard from his briefly on Week Five and nothing on Week Six.  Today, we received this from him...

I am honored that Tyler wanted to follow the trend with a gray suit. So proud of him and wish him a Happy Birthday!! I hope he got my present I left with Rachel. 

This past couple weeks were complicated for my email. Last week during our emial time, I had just started to open my email and read when it kick me out. I don´t know why but I tried to log back in and it did not work. It said my account was disabled. It was a surpirsing event. However, after several phone calls this past week with the technology assistants in Salt Lake, my account is working again. The only thing they told me was to make sure no one back home is loggining to my account. I promise my lack of email was not because I didn´t want to write. 

I will send my blog and try to include all the many things that happened this past week. 

Sadly, he never sent the blog information today.  Perhaps he is having more computer trouble.  Yikes!

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