This past week was a pretty straight-forward week. We did not really stopped. Elder J was pretty sick at some point, but we did not stop. We have big goals for our area and we want to fulfill them.
Because of the new year, I also spent a lot of time reflecting on how great a year 2017 was and setting my goals for the coming year. It was good fun.
Something cool that they do in the area here is every Thursday the youth play soccer and vollyball at the stake center. We missionaries are not allowed to play soccer, but we invited an investigator and he came.
On Sunday, the members we ate lunch with decided to change things up and they made hambugers. They were really good and I felt really touched by their effort to bring a little bit of home for me.
This past week, I have really been learning the importance of the testimonies of members. When it is just missionaries teaching, it is harder for the investigators to grow a testimony because they only focus on the fact that we are missionaries and we are saying all these things because we are trained too. The testimony of a member during the lesson makes all the difference. The people in our area are really tough so the members are our weapons to really get into the hearts of the investigator.
Hope you all have a great second week of the year. Goods things are happening.
Elder Pinkney
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