Monday, October 2, 2017

Rio Iguacu, Brazil- First Week in the Field

Our flight from Sao Paulo to Curitiba was really fast about the same time from D.C. to New York actually. There were about 15 of us all together going to the Curitiba missions and 4 other American Elders that went to Curitba South with me. Our arrival at the airport was a lot less frantic and scary than as it was getting to Sao Paulo. We were greeted by the AP´s and President Cuvelier. We went straight to the temple and took pictures and had a message from both the Temple President and President Cuvelier. That is where we send goodbye to the other mission and we went to the President´s home for lunch. Very good!

After that, we went to mission headquarter where we spent the afternoon and evening having training and interviews with President. It was so exciting to finally get to meet him and start to build my relationship with him. There were a lot of jokes made at us poor Americans that could not understand Portuguse, however, that will quickly change. 

I meet my trainer, Elder L, who ahs been out for 9 months. He is from Belam, which is up north and was a proffesional soccer player before his mission. (Unfortauntely, he will not get any practice since we are not allowed to play in our mission.) 

That night we went to our area (Rio Iguacu) and sleep at our house. It is about 40 minutes outside of Curitiba. There are four missionaries that live in our house. Myself, Elder L, Elder G, and Elder S. All of us are serving in the same ward (Rio Iguacu) and we are our own district as well. We spend a lot of time together. 

The next day, we had our district meeting at the chapel, which is about an hour walk from our house. After that, we got to work finding people and teaching lessons. I was surpirsed at how right of the back, we found a lot of people who let us come into their home and share our message. The people here are so kind and they seem really open to the missionaries. 

This weekend, we had general conference, which we were going to watch at the chapel but their interenet was not working so, we were invited to the stake President´s home to watch Saturday evening. It was a great expereince. All the missionaries in the stake were there and it is crazy that even though I am in Brazil, the stake president´s home has the same Spirit. It was very comforting to be there and watch conference.  We watched the Sunday session at another member's home and we were very relaxed. 

All in all the first week was very exciting. I am excitied for this coming week were we will have more time to get to work. Also, I am excited to say my Portuguse is getting a lot better too. 

I know that I am doing the Lord´s work and that there are many people here that will be blessed through the gospel. 

Love you all,
Elder Pinkney

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