Monday, November 27, 2017

Rio Iguacu- Week Nine

Thanksgiving in Brazil

I am a little ashamed to say that I almost completely forgot about Thanksgiving this past week. It is another one of those cherished American holidays that they do not celebrate in Brazil. I would have completely forget if it wasn't for Elder A (the other American that lives in my house) reminding me that night. We decided to order a pizza to celebrate and as the four of us sat around the table and ate pizza, we said one thing that we are grateful for. This was the complete extend of Thanksgiving in Brazil. 

We had a really awesome week. Elder L and I are continuing to have a lot of success. This past week, I had an amazing experience. Normally before each lesson, we plan what we are going to teach and what we are going to invite the investigator to do. So, we were sitting in a lesson with a young women and her  family, teaching them about the gospel of Jesus Christ, baptism, repentance, Gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. This young women, T , previously had not been open to being baptized. I was teaching and I was about to go into the invitation when I got the impression to go straight for the baptism invitation. Before hand, I thought about doing this very thing, but it was not what Elder L and I had planned. But, I gave the invitation. She was silent as she thought for a moment. I held my breath waiting for her reaction but I knew in my heart she would say yes. And, she nodded her head, yes. I relaxed and look at Elder L, who was pretty surprised. It had not been in our plan, but the Holy Ghost told us that this invitation was right for this lesson.

This past week was also the birthday of one of our investigator's daughter. They had a trampoline and lots of food. The daughter, I, kept asking me if I would jump on the trampoline with her. I was a little hesitant because the White Bible (our book of mission rules) did not really say anything about trampolines, but Elder L said it would be alright. We had a great time. We ate a lot of cake also. We are the only pastors in Curitiba that jump on trampolines. (Don´t know if I ever mentioned this but we rarely get called missionaries. People in the street called us pastors.) 

We had a baptism this past Saturday of a young women. C is 14 years old and lives with her mother and younger brother (who both we will be baptized also). It was a great service and I was touch after the service to see all the young women in the ward come up to her and give her a big hug. It warmed my heart because as missionary, we want nothing more than for the ward to really embrace and welcome the people we baptize. Every new convert needs a friend and I think that is really happening here. 

All is well in Brazil. Love and miss you all.

Can´t wait till Christmas. 

Com amor,
Elder Pinkney 

Monday, November 20, 2017

Rio Iguacu- Week Eight

Elder S had his birthday on Monday. We threw a surprise party for him that went really really well. We had cake, ice cream, pizza, and balloons. It was a lot of fun. 

We did a lot of work this week and we were blessed with the baptism of M this past Saturday. M is the younger brother of J who was baptized the week before. This family is so kind and giving to us.  J and M have been a pleasure to teach. We usually have a snack with them after our lessons: bread and cake. Their Mother, Sister D, makes sure to have something sweet to eat. I, as an American, have a reputation for having a sweet tooth. They like to tease me about it. 

Mais (but in Portuguese), J and M are awesome to teach. They always have questions and the are never afraid to stop us when they don´t understand. Elder L did the baptizing this week for M  and I confirmed the Gift of the Holy Ghost. They also both received the Aaronic Priesthood yesterday. I confirmed it for J . I was pretty nervous because I had never done it before in English or Portuguese. All was well however. 

This past week, also I am pretty sure I saw a crashed alien ship. We were walking by a field and there were these big strange lights and the barn was glowing blue. Believe what you my. 

Today, it also half snowed. Half snow, half rain. It was a exciting and only made me a little home sick. 

This past week, I found a this quote that I would like to share with all of you. I don´t remember who said it but it is safe to say that it was a General Authority.  "In contrast to the institutions of the world, which teaches us to know something, the gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to become something. Remember God has a plan for each of us and each day is an opportunity for us to become something through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To become more loving and kind. More patient and humble. More like our Savior Jesus Christ. I know this gospel is a gospel of changes. It changes our lives and it changes us. 

All and all I am loving the work here. We are really being blessed and there really are people here prepared. Elder L and I are destroying this area. (in mission lingo). Thank you to all for your messages. I hope you all have great week. Love you all. 


Com amor,
Elder Pinkney

Monday, November 13, 2017

Rio Iguacu- Week Seven

The beginning of the week, I had to say goodbye to Elder G who was transferred to another zone. However, it was very exciting to receive Elder A from Utah. He has 6 months in the mission and he is really fun. He has really change the atmosphere of our house. It has been a good change.

We worked a lot this week preparing our J and G for baptism that took place this past Saturday. J is 14 and has was taking the lessons for a couple months. G is 12 and also has been taking the lessons for several weeks. They are not related. We had lessons with them and their families respectively every day this week. I got a lot of practice as Elder L now is letting me do a lot more teaching. I am really excited and grateful for how comfortable I feel with the language. (Having Elder A in the same house as really more than anything help me feel more comfortable and confident to speak fluently.) 

Saturday was the day of the baptism and the day of the ward activity "The Voice". Elder A and Elder L prepared a musically number to perform and at the time I was still planning on singing The Scientist by Coldplay with one of our investigators. Not everything went exactly according to plan.

Firstly, the baptized was scheduled for 6 in the afternoon. J´s sister is a member, so we were not worried he would not show up for the baptism. However, G shared with us that she was planning to attend a birthday party the morning of the baptism and assured us that she would be back for when we needed to leave for the chapel. We arrived at her house around 4:00, two hours before the baptism. She was not there. Gulp. We called and she was still at the party with her mother and sister. The party was far away in some other bio in Fazando. Her house is in a group of house where all the rest of her family lives. Grandpa, aunt, sister, cousin's family. One big family and they all share one car of the Grandpa´s. She was not there, so we called her. G  had gotten a ride with a friend to the party but had no way to get back. Naturally, Elder L and I along with G's cousin and grandpa took off in their families´ car to get G. Long story short. We were late to the baptism. The car broke done on the side of the highway and a member had to come pick us up. We were relieved to finally get to the chapel and the baptism started. All was well. 

And then, after the baptism, we had the "The Voice". I was really excited to sing The Scientist with our other investigator M. We had practiced a bunch as well but the activity started and he was not there. Gulp (Number two). Is it really ok for a missionary to sing The Scientist alone? With an investigator maybe but I decided to not find out the answer to this question. So naturally, I joined Elder L and Elder A in singing The Sons of Helaman for the church primary hymn book. Naturally, with two Americans now, we had to sing a verse in English also. In all sincerity, it was awesome. We tied our ties around our heads like Nephites, face paint, shared a scripture before the song. It was awesome. The ward was really energized and we won second place.

All and all it was an incredible day. Busy. But busy is good. We are having great success. Heavenly Father is really helping us in every aspect of our lives. 

Photos include:
Elder G, Elder S, and I

The Elder winning second place at the voice 

Awesome flavor of Mentos I have never seen in the U.S.

Baptism of J and G

All the Missionaries in Fazando

The future Elder Pinkney (This young man loves ties. I had the honor of bestowing one upon him. He is doing good missionary work. His friend which he brought to church is being baptized this Saturday.)

Com amor from Brazil,
Elder Pinkney

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Rio Iguacu, Brazil- Week Six

What a amazing experience. Heavenly Father truly does care about every single detail of our lives. He is there for every problem and feeling we have. 

Thank you for sharing.

Love you lots,
Elder Pinkney

Note from Elder Pinkney's parents... 

We didn't get much news from Elder Pinkney this week.  He did send us a few emails but only short responses to some questions or comments we sent him.  The sentence above was in response to an experience I sent him that I had this week.

He did send us the Mission Newsletter that listed him and his companion as having several investigators in Sacrament Meeting.  Elder Pinkney has been working with J, who wants to get baptized.  J sent me some photos these week of Elder Pinkney and Elder L. J was one of the investigators that attended church.  Hoping for more news next week.

Jardim Ipe- Week Five

One more week... Hello World, This is the start of my last week in the mission. I have a lot of mixed feelings. I have felt really sad...