Three times a week while we are in the CTM, we get the opportunity to do "companion exchanges" were they give you a Brazilian companion so you get the benefits of teaching with someone who can speak Portuguese really well. I got paired with a very humble and quiet Brazilian Elder, but we had an amazing lesson. We taught about the Restoration. He spoke first and then it came to my turn and I just started speaking and everything flow like never before. It was truly incredible. My Portuguese is not horrible. I can talk but it is not at level that my teaching in English is. However, by the time I was done bearing my testimony and reciting the First Vision, my Brazilian companion and the investigator were in tears and I, all at once, felt how strong the Holy Ghost can really be. It was a truly incredible blessing; an answer to my prayers that I might be able to teaching with power and authority, the tongue of angels, and the Gift of Tongues. It was a very humbling and an eye-opening experience. It taught me how much work it really takes. By far the highlight of my week!
Something that happens here at the CTM is that power goes out. It happens maybe once a week. This week, our district was doing Book of Mormon study and the lights went out, but we continue reading and discussing. The lesson became a great obejct lesson for the Light of Christ in our lives. Christ dispells our darkness. He is the Light of the World. He is the way back to our Heavenly Father. It was a fun and very spiritual night.
We sang a song this week for choir practice. Oh also, we do a CTM choir here. They call it the Mormon Tabernacle without the Tabernacle. It is fun. We get to sing different hymns and songs while practicing our Portuguese. Happens every Sunday and Tuesday night before devotional. We sang this song called Um a Um by President Bednar. Super great song. I am in love.
Getting mail is a very big even here. When someone in my district gets mail, it is a big topic but natural not everyone gets any, so the sisters in our district were so sweet to write us all little notes and then shove them in our mail box. This week the Elders recpricated and it was an awesome moment. Our district is very close. There is a lot of love and we take care of each other.
September 7 is Brazil's independence Day, so for lunch that day, they had a little party. There was decoration and everyone was really excited. The best part, however, was ICE CREAM. At least at the CTM, ice cream is not a big things so that was a super big plus. We sang the Brazilian national anthem at devitional too. They do not really do fireworks here, which is obvoiusly very different than in the states.
Funny story. The desserts here are interesting and they serve one about every meal. I was eating them but then two time I got really bad stomachaches so I swore to be more careful about the funny smelling jelly and any other weird mush. I can't believe it's not chocolate.
I am grateful for the things I am learning. The field is only two weeks away now and it is definetly our main excitement. Love to everyone back home.
I want to bear my testimony in Portuguese. It's not perfect yet.
Eu sei que Jesus Cristo e nosso Salvador. Eu seu que o Livro de Mormon e verdade. Nos somos filhous de Deus. Atreves Jesus Cristo´s Expisicau, nos podimos vida eternal. Deus tem o plano para nos. O Plano de Salavaco, O Plano de Flicidade and Algeiam. Testifico Joseph Smith ver Pai Celestial and Jesus Cristo. Ele e o profeta do Resorucao. Tesifico de trabhlor de Deus e em o Terra, hoje. Eu sou muito grato ser o missionary. Eu amor esse o Evanghleo. Eu amor meu Salvador. Eu amor meu familia.
Elder Pinkney
Note from Elder Pinkney's parents.
Mailing Address while he is the Brazilian MTC (only for 2 1/2 more weeks)
Elder Ryan Roland Pinkney
Brazil Curitiba South Mission
Brazil Missionary Training Center
Rua Padre Antonio D'Angelo, 121
Casa Verde
CEP 02516-040 Sao Paulo - SP
Mailing Address once he leaves the MTC
Elder Ryan Roland Pinkney
Brazil Curitiba South Mission
Caixa Postal 9501
Agua Verde
80613-981 Curitiba - PR